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Manage a big number of projects

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Adria software allows you to integrate your business from offering bids through project planning to keeping records of invoiced work and closing projects, and to optimize the distribution of joint resources of the company, monitor the execution of projects and contracts.

The basic functionality of the software, which adapts to your specific needs are:

OFFERS - Creating a customer base and keeping track of offers, with different statuses, which forms the basis for later search and analytics. Automated connection of received bids with contracts and projects.

PROJECT PLANNING - Determining the responsible person for the project, the start and end date. Creating the phases of the project, planning the use of different resources during the implementation of the project. Taking and reserving shared resources. Creating a sub-base, including subcontractors in project implementation, rating subcontractors.

MONITORING OF THE IMPLEMENTATION - Monitoring the degree of execution of phases on construction sites, as well as the status of projects in total. Monitoring the consumption of hours of work and engagement of machinery on construction sites. Keeping records of invoiced and unfinished works. Monitoring the implementation of the contract.

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