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Discovery Phase


Creating custom solutions for building software is challenging, like any other process that includes customization. Even if the idea of your project is clear and seems pretty simple to you, most likely there are tons of complex underlying operations and mechanisms hidden behind the concept.

To start an effective development, the team must know what to work on - and the discovery phase is created exactly for this purpose. The R&D stage lets us learn your project’s ins and outs, and go through all the required features. Such research helps the team gain an excellent understanding of your project, and will help us to assess timelines and costs accurately.

Simplified, the discovery stage looks like this:

  • Describing the different types of users (general user, admin, super admin, etc.).
  • Describing the most important user stories for the various types of users.
  • Describing the key features of the app.
  • Building wireframes for the primary pages of the app.
  • Planning which technologies will be used for the front-end, back-end, server, etc.
  • Creating a definite timeline for each development stage and for each large project section.
  • Creating a well-defined cost estimate for each large section of the app and each stage of the software development process.
  • Once we are finished with the discovery process, we’ll provide you with a detailed report about everything mentioned above.

What You Get In Result

R&D report