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The Development Phase


Despite coding is an extremely important part of building software, we start this stage only after doing the research and creating the design. Writing code is not only time- and effort-consuming but is also much more expensive.

To save you from extra-payments and to avoid the rebuilding of an entire project, we start with an easier and simpler discovery and design stage. Once we are done with the design, the team of developers can start coding. The development phase includes:

  • Setting Up the Development Environment. We start with creating a general plan of development and setting up all of the systems that are required for the project
  • Preparing Infrastructure. Setting up servers, Amazon or DigitalOcean. What’s better for you solution.
  • Developing Data Architecture. Developing data architecture means building the basics of the app: setting up user accounts, structuring data, etc
  • Building Features. The next step is to develop each feature that will be used in the application. We determine all the required features and user stories and transmit them to Jira - our development project management system. Each story is assigned to a certain developer with a stated deadline. When all of the sections are completed, the features go from Jira to the quality testing.
  • Quality Assurance. All the completed features go to the quality assurance team, which tests the code for bugs and inconsistencies. To assure the proper functioning of the application, we set up an automated test suite and use several testing paradigms. It provides the coverage of high-level behaviors of the system and ensures the performance of every single module. This test suite steers the team towards further development and ability to maintain the optimization easy.

Once quality assurance is completed and the test suite is implemented, the team is ready to deliver the beta version of the application.

What You Get In Result

Source code*

* The project code on Github, if agreed by contact